
Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.
- Earl Nightingale

TRANSFORM your thinking
Be TRANSFORMED in how you feel and believe about yourself
Experience TRANSFORMATION in your life

Awaken the Greatness Within!

Whatever it is that you want to change, whatever it is that you’re thinking about yourself, or feeling about yourself, or believing about yourself, yourself in the world, or the world in relation to you – if it hurts or limits you, or holds you back from realizing the greatness within you – we already know that hypnotherapy will work for you because you’ve already accidentally hypnotized yourself with powerful negative hypnotic suggestions.  

If you feel there must be something wrong with you, you’re too much of this, or too little of that – somewhere along the line, repeatedly thinking this over and over again has hypnotized you into believing it to be true, driving your subconscious to find all evidence to prove it.  It’s stopped accessing the ‘truth’ about you that shows you in fact to be an incredible human being with awesome potential available to you. 

Free your subconscious to access and awaken the greatness within you on purpose with hypnotherapy. Reprogramme those powerful hypnotic suggestions into something much more positive! Change what you plant in your subconscious mind and start repeatedly and lovingly nourishing your inner world leaving you free to access your awesome potential and generate positive effect in your outer world.

Hypnotherapy accesses your subconscious mind where you hold your core self beliefs and redirects its energies to your more creative, courageous and inspirational you.  It cleanses old unhelpful thought patterns releasing you in to flow, abundance, strength, wisdom, gratitude, healing, abundance and positive change. 

I blend behavioural, cognitive, and analytical approaches, integrating all the techniques in which I’ve trained as appropriate for each client: NLP, Clinical  & Cognitive Hypnotherapy, Ericksonian hypnotherapy, Motivational Hypnotherapy, Analytical Hypnotherapy, 5th Path Hypnosis to empower you to live the life you truly want.

Individual results cannot be guaranteed and may vary.

The first step...

...is to call or message for an initial consultation.