Beating Depression

We possess within us a force of incalculable power, which if we direct it in a conscious and wise manner gives us the mastery of ourselves and allows us not only to escape from physical and mental ills, but also to live in relative happiness.
- Emily Coue

TRANSFORM your thinking
Be TRANSFORMED in how you feel and believe about yourself
Experience TRANSFORMATION in your life

If you are experiencing prolonged periods of unhappiness, or even signs of depression, and you fear that nothing can help you out of this numb or negative state, then empowerment coaching and hypnosis for depression can be really effective in helping you begin to look at and experience life differently. You can overcome depressive thinking with hypnosis and discover that life has so much more to offer than you may think possible.

Before using hypnotherapy to beat depression, my clients reported feeling numb, with consistent low and pessimistic thinking, of long periods of unhappiness, of being blocked emotionally, professionally and creatively.  Some used unhelpful coping mechanisms to distract them from feeling overwhelmed, disorganized, stressed and frozen.  Feeling unable to cope led them to feeling they’d failed somehow, with increasing levels of anxiety and inadequacy resulting in angry, cruel self-talk and resentment towards others.  This in turn fed an inner sense of hopeless aloneness, increasing levels of despair, and panic cycles.

To have success with DōChange Hypnotherapy for depression they knew on a deeper level that they could change things. Now they feel more able to cope emotionally, physically, and mentally.  Clients frequently report feeling free of despair, tension, frustration, anger, unhappiness or numbness.  They feel more balanced in their thoughts and feelings, and consequently, able to feel more neutral where before negativity would spiral them downwards, this change opening their mind to more positive ways of thinking.  If you’re looking at this page, you know you can also change things.

Let go of this negative cycle so it becomes a thing of the past.  Instead, expect to:

  • Feel better in general on all levels and in many aspects of your life;
  • Grow more confident in your ability to handle challenging times and situations;
  • Build your resilience and sense of resourcefulness;
  • Feel stronger and healthier mentally, emotionally and physically;
  • Develop a greater sense of self worth, self respect and self belief;
  • Harness and empower your energy again and get back on track;
  • Feel inspired and excited by what life has to offer;
  • See the results of your increased energy, concentration and motivation;
  • Feel empowered by your growing positivity and be open to what it attracts
  • Feel more alive and become an active agent in your life once again.

When you break free from disempowering and depressive thinking, the sense of suffering will stop and you’ll begin to feel alive again – engage in yourself and your life again.

DōChange Hypnotherapy for depression uses powerful and empowering methods of visualization, imagery, metaphor and direct suggestion combined with other effective techniques to facilitate generative change in you, changing how you are affected by external events internally.  A change in your thinking will change your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about yourself, in turn changing your reactions and thus outcomes.  Using hypnosis for depression will allow you to discover how to embrace life positively.

Take action, get in touch and empower your most possible you.

If you are experiencing regular or serious thoughts of self-harm or suicide, please call the Samaritans (08457 90 90 90) or visit this NHS web-page for further information and helplines.

The first step... to call or message for an initial consultation.